Join Us Today!!!

     By liking, following, and subscribing to our social media pages, you will be gifted access to special discount offers and new amazing content that is made to bring more joy to your home!

     Although we are starting as a small business, we aim to become the largest light up collar & leash brand with a team well-known that will support pet owners and all people alike throughout the world.  By taking a few moments to like our pages, you will be helping in a way that is greater than you can imagine.  You will not only be supporting K-9ightLights L.L.C., but you will also be supporting the goal to reach and help millions of people around the world over the years ahead! 

Listed below are K-9ightLights L.L.C.'s Official Social Media Pages:

Please join us on as many as you would like.  The more the merrier in this case.  God bless you all.  I hope we are able to help you with our products and media posts.

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Facebook Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Instagram Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official TikTok Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official YouTube Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Twitter Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Pinterest Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official LinkedIn Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Snapchat Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Tumblr Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Official Vimeo Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Yelp Review Page

K-9ightLights L.L.C. Google Review Page

     K-9ightLights L.L.C. is a new business that offers the best light up dog accessories ever designed.  It was made to bring more joy and safety to your families and your pets.  We offer an official business page on a wide variety of social media platforms, so that just about anyone with a phone or computer can join us.  We deliver you the #1 brightest light up pet products that you can find on the market today.  Following our social media will help us gain better brand recognition and also help motivate us to push stronger towards our aim to help as many dog owners and people around the world as possible, and even potentially save lives!  Supporting K-9ightLights L.L.C. pet supplies will not only help you at home, but also will help us to bring to the table even more unique and amazing innovations that have never been seen before.  We do our best to accommodate all dog owners with our brand, and with the right funding and support we will eventually be able to help not just dog owners, but all kinds of pet owners and people of the like.  K-9ightLights L.L.C. is also here to offer you with the absolute number one best quality and top rated light up pet products in the United States, and at a price you can afford. 

     Every person that follows our accounts and supports our brand will be helped in any way we are able to.  We want you as our supporters to be as happy as possible, and know that you are getting the best of the best LED dog accessories that are available.  We are always open to your comments and questions, so feel free to post on any of our accounts in a way that will help support us and all other pet owners like us.  Please be kind, and help us to bring more light to the darkness of this world.  

     We would love for every individual who purchases one of our LED dog collars and/or LED leashes to comment and share their experience of using our products.  You are able to provide a review for us on google, yelp, and even directly on our website  Every review will help bring more people just like you to the pet supplies they desire.

     Your support will allow us to upgrade our products and bring new dog accessories never seen before to the marketplace.  All funding will be used to help bring these upgrades to life and allow us to sustain the current lighted dog products we offer that so many people already love and enjoy daily.  You are appreciated more than you know.  By joining us here at K-9ightLights L.L.C., let's work together to help make this suffering world a brighter and happier place to live in by establishing and growing this already awesome community of supporters.

     We are here to protect and satisfy pet owners and everyone else we can, all while working to spread the good word of Jesus and offering hope.  He has brought us through all of the most difficult trials to date and I have faith that He will allow us to reach millions of other people like you one day with K-9ightLights L.L.C.; to not only bring the best pet products, but also the word of God which establishes life and prosperity in every man and woman.  He is so good and we are a company that you can trust as we have Him as our guide along the way like we hope He will guide you also.  He is always there for anyone who asks Him to be with an open and trusting heart.  Our Lord Jesus is who we represent and who blesses us each and every day as we choose to serve Him and put away selfish desires to become a part of His Holy Kingdom.  While this is not the easy route, it is the route that we are taking as we are doing everything possible to help as many people as possible in the time ahead.  K-9ightLights L.L.C. is part of our journey and we would love you to start a journey with us and Him also if you haven't already.

     I am here to help you all and look forward to seeing you on our k9ightlights pages hopefully soon!  

     Thank you all for choosing K-9ightLights L.L.C. 
